Laboratorij za istraživanje mjesta događaja - Analiza otisaka prstiju


The Laboratory for Crime Scene Investigation was established in 2017, and it’s head is Ivana Kružić, PhD, Associate Professor. Activities within the laboratory include exercises for students in on-site investigation performed mostly through simulations and by making projection sketches, inspection reports, photography and supporting documentation. Also, analysis of blood traces, various methods of extraction and treatment of biological, physical and contact traces are performed with the students in the lab, along with fingerprinting, ballistics, and analysis of disputed documents and other related branches. In addition to the educational component, the research work in abovementioned areas is also performed in the laboratory.

Research activity:

  • scientific analysis of:
    • biological traces from crime scenes
    • bloodstains from crime scenes
    • fingerprints and dactyloscopic data and samples from crime scenes
    • ballistic and mechanoscopic traces and samples from crime scenes
    • documents, banknotes, signatures and handwriting
    • traces of fire and explosion
  • recording and scientific processing and analysis of images and visual data from crime scenes
  • database construction
  • scientific publications
  • organization of and participation in scientific workshops and conferences
  • cooperation with economic entities
  • leading and participating in scientific projects
  • monitoring the quality of research work and undertaking all necessary activities to improve research productivity.

Courses related to the Laboratory:

  • Crime Scene Investigation I
  • Crime Scene Investigation II
  • Forensic Trace Analysis
  • Forensic Analysis of Questioned Documents
  • Forensic Ballistics
  • Forensic Photography and Imaging
  • Practicum in Forensic Sciences
  • Forensic Medicine and CSI (at the Faculty Of Law)


Auto skica
Full Professor
098 6794 58
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Full Professor
095 1988 160
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Assistant Professor
Auto skica
Research Assistant
Auto Draft
Research Assistant
Auto skica
Stranice Sveučilišnog odjela za forenzične znanosti Sveučilišta u Splitu koriste kolačiće za pružanje boljeg korisničkog iskustva, funkcionalnosti web stranica. Nastavkom pregleda stranice slažete se s korištenjem kolačića. Postavke kolačića možete podesiti u svojem internetskom pregledniku. Za nastavak pregleda i korištenja web stranice Sveučilišnog odjela za forenzične znanosti Sveučilišta u Splitu klikni na gumb Slažem se.