High technology development is mostly based on the expansive development of computer technologies and their increasingly wide application in diverse technologically advanced products. This also shifts the crime scene into a somewhat virtual sphere, which consequently requires highly educated investigators of this area. During their education the students are expected to acquire the competencies essential for security operations in the economy and in the government bodies connected to different forms of security. Students acquire competencies by participating in various forms of education offered by top home and foreign scientists from this area. The Republic of Croatia is a country with a high share of tourism in gross domestic product. Therefore, the question of security is justifiably raised both in tourism and in other branches of the economy. The students of this module are introduced to the answers to this question. Having in mind the globalization process, the issues of systematic and organized international cooperation in the areas of global security, of fight against organized crime and terrorism, are particularly dealt with. During their studies students are therefore particularly trained in acquiring competencies fundamental for recognition and suppression of the given forms of criminal and other unwanted activities.